Be careful to voices you listen to by(ps John Gray)motivation AS

In a world filled with countless opinions and advice, the voices we choose to heed can profoundly shape our lives. Pastor John Gray shares a powerful reminder: the voices you listen to determine the direction of your journey. Here's why it matters and how to discern the right voices in your life:

Be Careful of the Voices You Listen To | Motivational

Wisdom by Pastor John Gray

In our fast-paced, information-driven world, we are constantly bombarded by voices—voices of doubt, negativity, and discouragement. Sometimes these voices come from external sources: friends, family, or the media. Other times, they may come from within, as we battle our own insecurities and fears. But one powerful lesson we must embrace is that the voices we choose to listen to can shape our lives and determine our success or failure.

Pastor John Gray, a renowned preacher and motivational speaker, has often emphasized the importance of being intentional about the voices we allow to influence us. He encourages us to guard our hearts and to be discerning in choosing who we listen to—because what we listen to can either empower or destroy us.

The Power of Words

Words are powerful. In the Bible, we are reminded that the tongue has the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21). Words can build us up, encourage us, and inspire us to be our best. On the flip side, words can tear us down, fill us with doubt, and limit our potential. Pastor John Gray teaches that we need to be mindful of the voices we allow to speak into our lives.

The voices you listen to can shape your mindset, your identity, and your faith. When you surround yourself with positive, uplifting voices, you invite growth and empowerment. But when you allow negativity and doubt to enter your heart, you close the door to your own potential.

Who’s Speaking Into Your Life?

It’s crucial to evaluate who you are allowing to speak into your life. Are they building you up or pulling you down? Are they speaking God’s truth into your life, or are they feeding you lies of fear and inadequacy? Pastor John Gray advises that we need to surround ourselves with people who speak life, people who believe in our potential and encourage us to walk in God’s purpose for our lives.

  • Listen to Voices of Faith
    Choose to listen to voices that speak faith, speak hope, and speak life. When you’re feeling discouraged, it’s the voices of faith that will remind you of God’s promises and His plans for your future. These voices will encourage you to trust in God's timing, believe in His promises, and walk confidently toward your goals.

  • Avoid Voices of Doubt
    Not every voice is worth listening to. Pastor John Gray warns that we must be cautious of voices that speak doubt, negativity, or fear into our hearts. These voices can limit your perspective and cause you to doubt what God has called you to do. Instead, focus on the voices that help you grow and strengthen your belief in what’s possible.

Guard Your Heart and Mind

When we allow negative voices to influence us, we begin to doubt God’s plan for our lives. It’s essential to guard your heart and mind from voices that distract or discourage you. Philippians 4:8 encourages us to focus on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, and praiseworthy. By keeping our minds aligned with God's truth, we protect ourselves from the damaging effects of toxic voices.

  • Renew Your Mind with Truth
    The more we fill our minds with God's Word, the more we begin to filter the voices around us through the lens of truth. When we hear something contrary to God’s Word, we can immediately recognize it as a lie. Pastor John Gray reminds us to speak truth over ourselves and to listen to the voice of God, which is always full of hope, peace, and love.

  • Surround Yourself with Supportive People
    The voices we listen to often reflect the people we spend time with. Make it a priority to surround yourself with people who encourage your growth, who believe in your potential, and who are committed to seeing you succeed. Positive, uplifting voices will help you stay on the path God has laid out for you.

The Voice of God

Above all, the most important voice to listen to is the voice of God. When you listen to God, He speaks directly to your heart, guiding you toward your destiny and reminding you of His love and protection. Pastor John Gray reminds us that God’s voice is gentle but powerful, and when we listen, we will find peace, wisdom, and clarity.

  • Spend Time in Prayer and Meditation
    To hear God’s voice, we must spend time in His presence. Prayer and meditation on God’s Word allow us to tune out the noise of the world and focus on His still, small voice. As we listen, God will guide our decisions, calm our fears, and show us the path to take.

Speak Life Over Yourself

Not only should we be careful of the voices we listen to, but we should also speak life over ourselves. Pastor John Gray encourages us to declare God’s promises over our own lives. Use affirmations based on Scripture to remind yourself of who you are in Christ and the incredible purpose He has for your life.

  • Affirmation: “I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am chosen, I am loved, and I am empowered to fulfill God’s purpose in my life.”

In Conclusion

The voices we listen to shape our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Pastor John Gray urges us to be intentional about the voices we allow to influence our lives. Choose to listen to voices that speak life, truth, and faith, and reject voices that sow seeds of doubt, negativity, and fear. Above all, make God’s voice your guide and source of strength. When you listen to the right voices and speak life over yourself, you will experience the transformation that God has planned for you.

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